We prefer pictures and articles to be sent via email. Pictures should not be embedded in articles or any other document formats. Pictures should be sent as an attachment with your article. Please send pictures in JPG, BMP OR PNG format with a resolution (dpi) of not less than 175 -200. You may also send photos directly from your phone or iPad and we will modify them to make them work.
All pictures may be sent in color. Articles should be sent in Word or simply written in the body of the email message block. Accompanying all articles and photos should include: The name of the Club AND a contact person with his/her phone number and/or email address. Information must be related to Kiwanis or Kiwanis Family.
We also accept videos. You can submit the original file or the link to your video (if posted on social media).
Bi-Monthly DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS (all dates in 2020)
We have 6 regular issues coming out in 2020. There will not be a special 7th issue related to the DCON (district convention) in August, due to the cancellation of our in-person convention. There will be a special note sent to all clubs regarding the deadline for submissions for next year’s special edition. For the regular Ki-Notes, the deadlines are:
January 20th, March 20th, May 20th, July 20th, September 20th, and November 20th
Please email your content to txokkiwanis@gmail.com.
If you would like to share other types of content you are welcome to do so, but content that does not adhere to the above restrictions will be accepted on a case by case basis.