I realize several of you may have just done this when you turned in your new by-laws. Simply mark your calendar to repeat it one year after you gave it. It is important to know that each club must offer this on a yearly basis.
After your club completes the youth protection training, have your Club Secretary log into Kiwanis Secretary Dashboard and mark that the training has been completed. If your club did not do this training last year, then please get this on your calendar ASAP. Clubs should use the updated guidelines and training guide at www.kiwanis.org/youthprotection but please remember that Texas-Oklahoma District has it’s own guidelines so the power point your club should be using when providing this training is attached. Please refer to policy 33 and 34 located at www.txokkiwanis.org for further information.
Youth Protection Slide Deck, PDF, 4 MB
International Policies
The Kiwanis Youth Protection Guidelines have been updated to reflect the changes that the KI Board passed in April that are effective as of October 1. The KI guidelines that apply to your members are as follows:
- If a Kiwanian learns of troubling behavior after an event, they are required not only to report it to local authorities but also to report the incident to KI
- Adults working with youth at KI sponsored events need to have a background check through KI’s provider. While your District CBI is required for membership in the T/O District, it is only good for District events. If you are attending a KI event and a background check is required those checks are usually provided free of charge to the chaperone.
Please remember that all new members must have a District background check prior to submitting their name to KI as a new member.
- Background Check Instructions
- Background Check Form Online
- Club Policy Form That Requires New Members And Those Existing Members Working With Youth Under 18 DOC
- Club Policy Form That Requires All Existing And New Members To Complete A Criminal Background Investigation DOC
- Youth Protection Guidelines Online
If you have any questions, please contact Brian Walker at bw229882@yahoo.com.