This section updated December 11th, 2023
25 Quick and Easy Marketing Tools for your Kiwanis Club – You don’t need to be a Marketing or PR guru to build a great campaign for your club. Check out these ideas that can help you get the word out to your community and potential members!
Sample posters and Facebook posts for the Arts and Kids – These images can be modified by the district Marketing team or you can create new ones. The district uses Canva for quick infographics and videos.
Examples of Sponsor Letters, Forms, Donation Requests – These handy forms, created by successful clubs around our district, can be used by your club with some minor modifications. If you are planning an event and want to attract sponsors, these forms can put you on the right track.
Club Marketing Plan Template – Allows clubs to Fill in the Blanks and create a marketing plan for a service, fund-raising, or membership project. Has lots of helpful hints. This is to be printed and filled out by hand. It is not “fillable” while on the computer screen. A future version will have lines that can be typed into while on the computer.
Electronic Payment Systems – Written by Mark Jones and Marshall Kregel using online references
Warm calls vs. Cold calls – why PR and Marketing is so important to your club in an easy-to-understand format.
Grade your Club’s Marketing Health – Ask yourself these 10 questions about your club and contact the district marketing team if your club needs help in any areas. If your club scores a 50 or below, lets work on your club’s communications programs.
Club Education Document in Support of the Corporate Membership Program – This document explains what a corporate member is and also explains the difference between a Partner, Member, and Sponsor.
The Path of Least Resistance. How to get your story in the local media. By Mark Jones, TxOk District Marketing team and Video / Media Guru.
Marketing your Club in 2021 and 2022 – These are some of Marshall’s notes used during presentations. Pair this doc file with the “Grade your Club’s Marketing Health”.
Who uses Twitter and is it a good fit for your club – Another great article by Mark Jones who happens to work for Fox 4 in Dallas/Ft. Worth and knows a thing or 2 about searching social media for stories and who uses Twitter.
Engaging Potential Members to Join a Kiwanis Club – this is a re-write of a KI original document with a focus on adding new members to existing clubs rather than focusing on just building a new club. (Click on the picture below to open the document).
From messaging, social media and staging events, get your club noticed! This is the actual popular Tips and Tools booklet as a PDF file. Click on the pic to open and then download. If you are printing, the booklet is 32 pages long.
Rumor Vs. Reality – Dispelling rumors about meetings or Kiwanis activities. This document goes great with the “objections” document next in line below.
Countering Objections by Potential Members – This doc file gives you some suggestions on how to counter objections commonly given to membership in a club.
Facts and Statistics about the Kiwanis International Organization – this doc file is great to share with potential members and is an absolute necessity when working with the media and sharing facts about us.
Good Marketing Strategies for Clubs – this document was part of the 2019 December Ki-Notes and should be shared again.
The 10×10 plan for marketing options for your club! Your club’s marketing and PR programs are important for the health and success of your club. The more people hear about your club and your activities, the more they will be interested in participating with, or joining your club. A marketing plan for a club doesn’t just lump all the marketing and PR efforts into 1 single program, like a website. Instead, take a look at the following options and choose 10 of them. Each part constitutes 10% of your total marketing effort. But, don’t panic!! Start small and build up. Out of your ten choices, pick 2 to start with and add a few new marketing options each year until your club has a well-rounded program over a couple of years. This document updated December 1st, 2022.
New Club Building Site Survey Form. are you the only club in town? No club can be “everything” to its’ membership. Sometimes projects or programs (like new Key Clubs) come along that might call for a new club. This is a GREAT way to get local publicity, plus you have a partner Kiwanis club to participate in your big events. Your district has a huge New Club building team chaired by Past Governor Brad McKenzie. If you would like to know more about building a new club in your area, send him a note at
OFFICIAL LOGOS AND BRANDING MATERIAL. This link takes you to the Kiwanis International website – branding page where you will find lots of great material.
The Texas Oklahoma District of Kiwanis now has a brand new marketing team that can help you put together a plan for an event or just for your club. Contact Marshall Kregel, Chair, at for assistance.