Kiwanis Corporate Memberships

We’ve got a great way for your business or organization to support your local Kiwanis missions in your community! A Corporate Membership allows you or one of your employees to be a member of the local club and represents the business to the club and the rest of the community. It’s a great way to participate and support your Kiwanis friends. Send us a note at and we’ll send you lots of information. #KidsNeedKiwanis

The Texas Oklahoma District of Kiwanis is not just a nonprofit organization, we are a family! Over the years many individuals have come together to support one another as well as support their community. Because of our connections and willingness to serve we have created a ripple of positive impact throughout Texas and Oklahoma. Together we can accomplish much more than on our own.

Kiwanis has been a success story for over 105 years in helping families and children in our local communities. We have great service programs and our clubs are fun! Check us out today and start the New Year with a new resolution to play a bigger part in your community through volunteerism and service. Plus, most of our clubs are holding dual Zoom / in person meetings so you can attend a meeting on your phone or computer from the comfort of your own home.