The primary purposes of the PLGA are to:
- assist in the promotion of the Objects of Kiwanis International and therein provide leadership for the growth of Kiwanis;
- aid and assist current Lt. Governors as needed in the divisions;
- willingly serve as advisor and consultant to all Kiwanians and clubs;
- assist and support the Service Leadership Programs; and,
- encourage a strong communication between the PLGA and district membership.
PLGA members are ready to serve in whatever capacity is needed to seek out, assist and encourage Kiwanians in the district. Please see the Bylaws HERE to view a more detailed description of PLGA’s purpose.
To become a member of PLGA click HERE.
Attend a PLGA Board Meeting
The PLGA meets in person at the annual District Convention and may meet to conduct business virtually/electronically throughout the year. All Kiwanians are invited to attend any of the regular PLGA board meetings. Contact PLGA President Sandie Howard (sandie@sdhoward.com) for meeting dates/times.
PLGA Extra Mile Award - Deadline June 15
PLGA is honored to recognize from our district membership a Kiwanis member who goes the “Extra Mile” in outstanding service. This person is recognized at the District Convention with a plaque and a C. T. Bush Award.
Extra Mile Chair: Joe Holland
PLGA Extra Mile Award Application DOC
PLGA Youth Leadership Award - Deadline April 1
Recognize your club member or faculty/staff advisor who has given countless hours of dedicated service as mentors and leaders to our sponsored youth programs. Celebrate your nominee by honoring their extra time and effort in strengthening the bond between your Kiwanis club and SLPs as well as your schools. Special consideration should be given to nominating those who serve as Faculty Advisors and contribute to the growth of the Texas-Oklahoma Foundation.
Youth Leadership Award Chair: Kelly Poland
Click HERE to complete nomination form
Carlene Campbell Most Valuable Lt. Governor Award
The PLGA in conjunction with the Immediate Past Governor, the Trustees and the Texas-Oklahoma District office seeks nominations for and then selects the Most Valuable Lt. Governor from the Immediate Past Governor’s year of service. This person is recognized at the District Convention with a plaque and a C.T. Bush award.
Carlene Campbell Most Valuable Lt. Governor Award Chair: Sandie Howard
Life Members of the PLGA can stay connected online in the private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1760265637545058
On August 12, 1978 at the Texas-Oklahoma District Convention in Amarillo, Texas the Past Lt. Governors Association was formed under the leadership of Governor Don Wilson (1976-1977) and Lt. Governor Arthur Swanberg (1976-1977). The symbol of the organization was chosen to be the Roadrunner due to the miles a member of PLGA is willing to travel to assist others